
Unexpected Hope: An urban poor success story

Rachael Macuha Labrador was born into a family of eleven children in Batangas City, Philippines. Her father was a tricycle driver, while her mother stayed home to care for 9 other siblings. At a tender age, she was already aware of her family’s hardships. To help provide for her family, she left her hometown and stayed with her grandmother in Sta. Mesa, Manila. There, she sold boiled eggs next to railroads to provide for her school needs. “I thought that time that there was no hope that I would be able to finish my studies because both of my parents didn’t have work to help and support me. I also didn’t tell my parents that I was selling eggs and having a hard time with life so that they wouldn’t have to worry.” Rachael expressed. She was only seven years old at this time.   

However, despite all the odds, she dreamed of one day going to college and making something of herself. Finally, through God’s grace and compassion, she was led to the doors of Concordia, where she met her second family. Immediately after, she was accepted into the EAS program and was given the incredible gift of a kind and generous sponsor who supported her until she graduated secondary school. “I am thankful to the Lord because this is the first step that I’ve been waiting that I can already reach my dreams in life and I will give my family a better future. For me, it was unexpected hope!” Rachael expressed. 

New Hope

This blessing not only opened the doors for Rachael to continue her education but also opened the door for her to grow spiritually. By attending bible studies held at Concordia every Saturday, Rachael formed a deeper connection with God. “the bible studies helped me to know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.” Rachael added. With faith, hard work, and perseverance, she graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, majoring in Christian Education in 2011. She is currently a public school teacher, a church teacher, and a breadwinner for her family. Providing for them during the Covid-19 pandemic. “This pandemic has been a big challenge for me because my father, grandmother, and relatives lost their job, and I was the only one who provided for their needs.” Rachael shared. However, no challenge cannot be overcome through faith in God. She continued working and now takes a master’s degree in Education, majoring in Educational Management, pursuing her love of teaching children.  

Becoming God’s Instrument 

Throughout her life, Rachael was able to give back to the community by being what her younger self needed and sharing the blessing she received. As a teacher, she is now a vessel of knowledge, support, and inspiration to countless children she meets at the school and the church. “I am blessed and grateful because whatever I have achieved so far is because of the help and support of CCS and for giving me this unexpected hope. The CCS’s invaluable service to the children like me decided to study hard and reach my dreams so that the opportunity they gave and shared with me will never be forgotten. I am proud to be called a Batang Concordia (Child of Concordia)!” Rachael’s message to everyone. Concordia is genuinely proud of her and prays she continues to share her light with everyone! God bless!  Her life is a testament of how compassion can have a big impact in changing one’s future. Through the grace of God, Rachael was blessed with sponsors who showered her with support and believed in her. May the Lord continue to send these kinds of people who will also share their love and support to other children in need.

"There is always hope when there is perseverance, self confidence, and belief in our Lord."