
Story of Mother & Child Reunited instead of Adopted

Last January 9, 2019, our lovely baby, Rajendra was referred to Concordia Children’s Services. Her biological mother, Arlene was admitted to a shelter for women. Rajendra’s father was a foreigner and left them both because he was in an arranged marriage to another woman. Upon admission to CCS, the baby appeared to be healthy.  She was a charming and attractive baby with dark skin, brown eyes, and curly hair.

At the time, Arlene was unemployed. Her family was disappointed with her for being pregnant out of wedlock. However, Arlene’s dedication to Rajendra did not falter despite her situation. She eventually found a job and moved to a new house. She also was able to mend the relationship with her family. Together they decided to support Rajendra as best that they could.

After consultation with social workers from Concordia (CCS) and the government, it was recommended that the Rajendra be reunited with her mother. On January 21, 2020, the reunification of mother and child was joyful; even as caregivers hugged and said their goodbyes to Rajendra. After 12 months in the care of CCS, Rajendra developed by leaps and bounds, from her gross and fine motor skills to her socio-emotional development. Rajendra was well cared for by the CCS family. She could even speak a few words when she was reunited. According to her mother, Rajendra must have loved her time in CCS. This story reminds us that it’s never too late to start over again; especially when we do it for those we love the most.