
Our Life at Concordia’s Home During the Pandemic

COVID-19 continues to affect Concordia and especially our staff and volunteers when it comes to how we care for the children. The real threat that the virus brought hampered the daily routine of everyone, especially businesses and organizations. Nonetheless, we can proudly say that during these trying times, the receiving home of Concordia Children’s Services, which currently houses 23 children and 19 staff, are all free from COVID-19.

Our receiving home takes in abandoned and surrendered infants and toddlers. These age-groups are especially vulnerable to the virus, which is why CCS immediately implemented stricter house protocols to ensure the safety of the home.

CCS locked its gates to visitors as early as February 2020 and implemented a skeletal workforce to lessen the risk of employees becoming exposed to the virus immediately after the announcement of the community quarantine.

Inside the home, sanitization becomes part of the daily routine. We teach the kids the proper hygienic practices such as hand washing routines. We also monitor their body temperatures and assign rooms for isolation and quarantine.

The staff and caregivers continue to explain the situation to the toddlers in an age-appropriate manner. They are also taking on the role of teachers, providing more indoor activities that stimulate brain activity and improve various gross and fine motor skills. We also gave the staff and the children flu vaccines last May 2020.

These steps, alongside the daily provision of nutritious meals and vitamins to help improve their immunity, are reasons why the home, so far, is safe and secure from the infectious and contagious diseases going around.