
Helping Hand During Pandemic

Since the government quarantine announcement, our residential receiving home announced s lockdown or “off limits” order to assure our children and staff’s safety. In spite of what was happening, Mr A (who prefers to be anonymous) always remembered Concordia’s children. He leaves donations at the gate to keep social distancing rules.  Our children enjoy his contributions of rice, eggs, and other food.

One of our staff members had a chance to ask about his motivation for giving to our children. He said, “I am helping because it is part of being a Christian; Christ teaches us to look out for those around us, especially those in distress.” He quoted James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

He further said that,
“Concordia and its children give me a sense of purpose. I’ve been striving to get myself back to normal for three years; ever since the separation from my wife. Every time I want to give up and quit, or start to lose hope, I keep telling myself not to stop because there are children in Concordia that I must support. There are children in Concordia that need a fighting chance to live. Via my little actions, I want to change the lives of those little angels. When we share, we don’t only give something to someone, but we provide something to ourselves. We learn to be selfless. We know our God-given purpose. Concordia is a beacon of light; it is a beacon of hope for Children. By sharing, we are keeping that light burning; we are providing hope to those children. I encourage you to visit and spend a little time with them. You’ll experience a different kind of love and joy.”
In these trying times, CCS needs many helping hands from our donors like Mr A. Thank you for doing all you can to support our mission and share the love and fulfil the dreams of our children.